Saturday, January 2, 2010


It seems as though it is most certainly true that the more you strive for greatness the more destruction and pain seep its way into our lives. Saying that you tried your best is nothing but a cleverly worded excuse. Nothing short of success is worth a sentences because all of the words that can be attributed to almost victory are either a reason for failure or will be used to make failure sound like victory, which, even if told by a great story teller will always end on a negative note. Unless of course victory is eventually won.

I have been through many stages of life and have learned that every portion of it must come to an end at some time or another. Some stages wither and die like collecting pokemon cards or tear-away-pants. These stages in life are dictated by the common interests of children and of course your own personal attention span, and are forgotten upon the next new interest.

As I have grown up I have invested more time, energy and passion into the things that I do, and who I do them with. Which ended up causing me to clutch onto something that originally I only wanted to inspect. It makes me wonder where Gollem would have ended up if he had given the ring to his friend, or what if he was able to rid of the ring and the power that it held. Where would his life ended up? What would his story have been without the one possession of his that surely ended up taking control of his entire life.

At the beginning of a brand new year (2010) it is my duty as a person to now be an example of positivity in the world. I strive to be happy and healthy. I strive to be generous and a good friend. I strive for the wisdom and courage to do what is right and honorable in the face of adversity and evil. It has alas come time for me to accept that I choose my own path and the position that I am in now is directly attributed to my day to day actions and my moment to moment thoughts.

There are a few things from the last seasons of life that are still important to me and will bring with me on my mission forward. If is the list of things that I carry with me on the opposite side that continues to grow day by day which I need to bid farewell to so I can continue my journey without being weighed down. The missions that need to be accepted in life may seem difficult but they bear good fruit. The missions however that I am drawn to are easy to accomplish and momentary in their satisfaction.

So the question then has come to me. What would I rather do? Choose half life and a life that seems from the outside to be a great option which will certainly destroy based on other examples of what momentary satisfaction brings into your life. Or will I choose a life of relationship with God, doing what is right, and being happy spiritually and healthy physically. I do understand that hard-times will come whichever path I choose. But, its hard to argue that the girls on the light-side are definitely better looking. J

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